Please find the Bradley Newsletter for this week HERE
Remember – no school tomorrow! Enjoy your weekend!
Bradley Weekly Newsletter
Literacy Night was a huge hit! Thanks to all the families who joined us to engage in fun literacy activities with our teachers. Thank you Ms. Distell and Ms. Gill for organizing a fun night and to our teachers for planning thoughtful, interactive and exciting activities.
We had special visitors at Bradley today. Teresa Gillian, Technician K9 Handler, and Shelby, the support dog, from the Denver Police Department came and visited some classrooms where our students learned about the purpose of having a therapeutic dog within the community. The students enjoyed meeting and observing Shelby in action.
Kimberly Ulery, Principal
Jose Fernando Hernandez, Assistant Principal
Staff Shout OutMs. Sanchez, Ms. Kapner, Ms. Hays, Ms. Shepherd, Ms. Primozich, Ms. Pytell Our super 2nd grade team has been engaging our students in scientific methods. This week our 2nd grade students presented Mad Scientist with a full lab report about a lava lamp experiment and sang the Scientific Method song for their 2nd grade community. We appreciate the creativity and dedicated planning of our second grade team. |
Upcoming Dates
9/27: No School – Teacher Planning Day 10/1: October Count Day (student attendance required) 10/4: Fun Run Pledges DUE 10/7-9: Scholastic Book Fair (Library) 10/8 & 9: 3pm-6pm Parent Teacher Conferences 10/10: No School – Teacher Planning Day 10/11: No School – Fall Break 10/14: No School – Fall Break 10/17: Last Day of Session 1 After School Enrichment Classes 10/28: Bradley Dines Out – Esters Virginia Village 11/1: No School – Bradley First Friday 11/3: Daylight Savings ENDS Fall Back 11/5: Lifetouch Re-Take Day 11/25-29: Thanksgiving Break Quick Links |
No School Tomorrow, Friday, September 27th
Remember, no school tomorrow – it’s a teacher planning day. Enjoy the three day weekend with your family.
Fall Conferences
During the week of October 7th, teachers will be hosting Fall conferences. Please be on the lookout for an email from your student’s teacher in the next few days. We are excited to share the progress our Bradley students have made thus far and goals for a successful year. We will have the Scholastic Book Fair in the library on October 8th and 9th during conferences. Stay tuned for more information.
National Walk/Roll to School Day
National Walk/Roll to School Day is Wednesday, October 9th. On this day, we will have a special celebrity crossing guard: Nga Vương-Sandoval! Please help us celebrate by traveling to school using “active transportation.”
Walk, ride your bike, use your wheelchair, scooter, skateboard, or ride RTD on October 9th to receive a raffle ticket to win an exclusive lunch with the principal. If you need to drive to school, please park one or more blocks away from the school and come through the main crosswalk to receive your raffle ticket. Our goal is to have everyone use human-powered transportation on this day! More than 35 DPS schools are participating in this event. Together we can create a healthy community! |
Bradley Nurses’ Clothes Closet
The Bradley clothes closet in the nurses’ office is in need of small size pants and undies – we are looking for sizes 3T-size 8, girls and boys. If you have gently used clothes, consider dropping them by the nurses’ office! Thank you!
BESS Survey
Parents, guardians, and caregivers: please fill out this 5 minute form to help provide valuable insight on how we can better support students at Bradley International School
To learn more, view Frequently Asked Questions in many languages at FAQ.
See SURVEY for more information and QR Code
We thank you for your assistance as we work together to educate and support your students!
October Count
What is October Count? It’s the timeframe for the District to get funding for students. Please try to have your student attend school on Tuesday, October 1st. The October Count window is September 24 – October 8. Students should be in attendance all days of the count window. Tardies will be scrutinized as well so please make a plan to get to school on time starting next week and start a trend to be on time the rest of the year.Attendance
Please call the attendance line at 720-424-9398 to report your child’s absence or if they will be late to school for an appointment or any other reason. You can also submit an absence request through the Parent Portal, click here to see how.
Lost & Found
Please check the lost & found items that have been collected so far this year. This area is in the stairwell across from the main office. There are lunchboxes, backpacks, sweatshirts, coats, water bottles, etc. All items will be donated at the end of September. Please write your students name in their items so we can easily return them. Thank you!
PTO NEWS : PTO September Newsletter
Thank YOU Bradley families for helping us to have an amazing Fun Run last week!
Bradley Spiritwear is on its way! If you placed an order during our fall sale, items will be delivered to your student in the next week or two.
September IB Learner Profile
The learner Profile for the month of September is Communicators! Communicators understand and express ideas and information confidently and creatively in more than one language and by a variety of modes of communication. They work effectively and willingly collaborate with others.
Activities for Parents