Please find the Bradley Newsletter for this week HERE

Bradley Weekly Newsletter
Principal Update
Our amazing PTO sponsored another wonderful hospitality event put on by our Kindergarten families. Our
staff was spoiled with little tea goody bags, pens/markers, adult coloring pages and puzzles and surprised
with a fun raffle for a cozy TOMS fleece blanket, bath salts and slippers, which Ms. Leier won! Thank you
for recognizing our amazing staff for all they do each day.
As the weather in Denver next week is expected to fluctuate with temperatures ranging from the low 20s to high 40s during the day and dropping into the teens at night, it’s important to ensure students are prepared for outdoor recess. Please remember to send your child to school with warm clothing, including boots, hats, gloves, and a heavy coat. Snow and colder periods are anticipated, particularly later in the week, so dressing in layers is ideal to keep your child comfortable and ready for the changing conditions.
Kimberly Ulery, Principal
Jose Fernando Hernandez, Assistant Principal
Staff Shout Out
Last Thursday’s Kindergarten Roundup was a shining example of what makes our school community so special. A huge thank you to our kindergarten team ( Mrs. Anna Rosales, Mrs. Megan Eggleston, and Mrs. Sherry Wicks) for their caring and thoughtful approach to host this event, ensuring every prospective family felt welcomed and valued. Through their strong communication, they shared the heart of our school and engaged families with enthusiasm and clarity. By demonstrating open-mindedness, they celebrated the diversity of our incoming families, creating an inclusive and inviting environment. This incredible effort showcased our school’s commitment to the IB attributes and left a lasting impression on our future students and their families—thank you for making it such a meaningful and memorable event! |
Upcoming Dates
2/7: 100th Day of School!
2/7: All School Assembly – Students Only
2/10-13: Bradley Dines Out – Dough Counter
2/13: PTO & CSC Meeting 3pm-5pm Library
2/14: No School: Professional Work Day
2/17: No School: President’s Day
2/18: DPS Round 1 School Choice ENDS
2/20: 3rd Grade Market Day
2/20: Family IB Math Night 5:00pm
2/27: Trimester 2 Awards Ceremony
3/1: PTO Skate City Event 6:30-8:30pm Fundraiser Fun!
Quick Links
Bradley School Year Calendar
Bradley Website
Bradley Student and Family Handbook |
DPS Policies and Procedures
We wanted to share the current DPS plan regarding new immigration rules.Whether it is a police officer, an immigration official, or anyone else with a badge, the school office will call DPS Legal. We are instructed to not allow entry into the building. We will then follow procedures in place by DPS to ensure safety.
While navigating this uncertain time, families may look to us for advice. Here are some steps families should consider to support their children:
- All families should review and update their emergency contact information. Families may ask you to help them update this information in the front office. Each student should have at least two emergency contacts. These individuals do not need to be family members; they can be any trusted adult known by the family.
- Know your rights – All people in the United States, regardless of immigration status, have certain rights and protections under the U.S. Constitution. The Colorado Immigrant Rights Coalition (CIRC) has resources available for staff and families to help build awareness. Printable Rights Cards from the Immigrant Legal Resource Center (ILRC) are readily available in Spanish, Arabic, Farsi, French and Vietnamese.
Below you’ll find resources to better understand rights and access to necessary support:
- NEA Know Your Rights: Immigration in Schools – This document outlines the legal rights of students in public schools, regardless of immigration status. It covers protections against discrimination, privacy rights for student records, and the designation of schools as “sensitive locations” where immigration enforcement should not occur.
- ACLU Know Your Rights (police, ICE, FBI) – Learn more here about immigration rights as an immigrant, and how to express them. (Spanish)
- NEA Ed Justice Resources – The NEA Ed Justice page provides updates on immigration issues, including the status of DREAMers and DACA recipients.
- CCG and El Centro Immigration Community Meeting on 1/30/25 – Coloradans for the Common Good and El Centro De Los Trabajadores are hosting an Immigration Community Meeting from 6 – 8 PM on Thursday, January 30, 2025 at El Centro (4250 Federal Blvd., Denver, CO, 80211). Click here to see the event flyer (English and Spanish)
- DACA Renewal Support – Juntos Community is a community organization that is available to support DPS staff with DACA renewals. Juntos Community is hosting one-hour, in-person renewal workshops for DPS staff on Thursday, Jan. 16, and Friday, Jan. 17, from 4-8 p.m. both days. Visit to register and secure an appointment. Click here for more information.
- What Educators Should Know About LGBTQ+ Rights – This guidance provides general legal information about the rights of LGBTQ+ students, educators who advocate for these students’ rights, and LGBTQ+ educators themselves as employees. Nothing in this guidance should be considered legal advice about any particular situation; you should always consult with a union representative or legal counsel who has knowledge of the specific facts and the governing state and local laws and school district policies.
Disclaimer: This information is provided as a resource for educators and should not be considered legal advice. If you need legal advice, please contact an attorney. Parking Around the School
Please be mindful of where you park when visiting the school. Be aware of parking in driveways and/or in front of the neighbor’s trash cans, and in the Bus Zone. Also, if you have a meeting first thing in the morning or in the afternoon, please do not park in the drop off area since it causes a traffic jam at drop off and pick up. Also, NO U-TURNS in front of the school. Please proceed around the block. Thank you for your cooperation.DPS Round 1 School Choice is OPEN
Round 1 School Choice is open until February 18th. All ECE students will need to submit an application for next year. ECE 4 yr old families will submit the UPK application first and then the DPS School Choice application. Any 5th grade students who may want to attend a middle school that is not their neighborhood school, will need to submit a school choice application. Apply through your DPS Parent Portal or to the SchoolChoice Website. Infinite Campus Emergency Contact Information
Families can now update students’ emergency contact information as needed throughout the school year and provide alternative contacts if no parent or guardian is available. To make these updates, you will use this step-by-step guide (also available in Spanish) to add, remove or modify emergency contact updates for students in Infinite Campus. If you are unable to log into Parent Portal because they forgot their username and/or password, refer to the MyPortal Support Contact webpage for links to reset. Note: You will need access to the email address associated with their Parent Portal account. You will need to submit a support ticket or call 720-423-3163 for the following:
- Failing usernames or passwords.
- Updating email addresses.
- Missing a student account.
News from the Nurse
It’s that time of year! General Health Practices:
- Hand Hygiene: Wash hands frequently with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
- Cough/Sneeze Etiquette: Cover your nose and mouth with a tissue or your sleeve when coughing or sneezing. Dispose of tissues in the trash immediately.
- Surface Cleaning: Regularly clean and disinfect high-touch areas such as doorknobs, mobile devices, countertops, and tables.
- Avoid Close Contact: Refrain from close interactions, including kissing, sharing eating utensils, or shaking hands with individuals showing cold-like symptoms.
- Flu Vaccination: Get your flu vaccine to help reduce the spread of illness.
By following these practices, we can help reduce the transmission of respiratory illnesses in our schools and protect the health of everyone in our community.
Additional Resources:
January IB Learner Profile
The Learner Profile for the month of January is Balanced. Those who are balanced understand the importance of intellectual, physical, and emotional balance to achieve personal well-being for themselves and others.
Activities for Parents
- Encourage your child to participate in a wide variety of structured activities, such as soccer, Scouts, or ballet.
- Discuss the food groups with your child and have them help plan a balanced meal. Spending a few minutes during a mealtime deciding if what your family is eating is balanced is a good way to start a conversation about nutrition!
- Let them help you grocery shop.
- Your child has big eyes and big ears and notices everything you do. Role model being balanced. Spend time as a parent or family doing many different things.
- Check out the Bradley PTO January meeting minutes on our website: Mark your calendars – our next meeting is scheduled for February 13th at 3 p.m. in the library/Zoom.
- Great work reading Bradley families! Keep logging those reading minutes on your Read-a-Thon site and gathering donations – your student and classroom can earn prizes (plus your teacher gets money directly back to their classroom). You have until 1/31!
- Thanks for heading to the Bradley Dines Out at Raising Canes this week. Our next Dines Out is at Dough Counter on Colorado Blvd. ALL day from 2/10-2/13!
- Join Bradley for a family painting event at Sipping N’ Painting on January 26 – $35 per person and Bradley gets money back! Space is limited – sign up now –
- Join us at Skate City in Aurora on March 1 from 6:30-8:30 pm for family skate night! Everyone is invited – discounted skate tickets are available at this private event ($7 to skate, $5 skate rental)! Bradley gets money back IF we can get at least 50 people to come and skate.
- Denver Parks & Recreation – Eisenhower Rec Center – See the January My Denver Youth Activities Schedule – HERE
- Denver University – Summer Basketball Camps at DU. Camps run June 16-August 1. Sign up at their website: DU Basketball; See Flier
- Discovery Link Summer Camp – This multi-subject camp can include but is not limited to Physical Education, Art, STEAM, Dance, Music and Chess. The daily schedule is set up with SEAL- rich experiences throughout the day to ensure all students are engaged and having fun! Dates: June 9 – Aug 1, 2025. Registration opens Tuesday, Jan. 22, 2025. For locations, more information, and how to register click here! Flier