Bradley Newsletter 1.31.25

Posted 02/01/2025

Please find the Bradley Newsletter for 1.31.25 HERE


Getting Ready for February! – Cauldrons ...



Bradley Weekly Newsletter

Principal Update 

We are excited to share that our choice school tours have been successfully completed! Many families visited our school, and we were thrilled to showcase the wonderful learning environments we have created together. Thank you to everyone who participated and helped make these tours a success, especially Ms. Schriener, our PTO representatives and our amazing student council representatives.  

As we embrace the month of February, we are focusing on our new IB Learner Profile trait: Caring. Being caring means developing empathy, compassion, and respect for the needs and feelings of others. Our students will learn the importance of personal commitment to service and how they can make a positive difference in their lives and the environment. We encourage you to discuss this trait at home and help reinforce its value.

Have a great weekend!


Kimberly Ulery, Principal 

Jose Fernando Hernandez, Assistant Principal  

Staff Shout Out

Today is the final day of our Read-A-Town event! A huge shout-out to our students, teachers, staff, and families for their incredible participation and dedication to reading. Even though the event is coming to a close, don’t forget to record all your reading minutes by 9:00 P.M. tonight! Every minute counts! ⏳📖

It has been amazing to see our school community come together through books, stories, and shared learning experiences. Read-A-Town is more than just a reading challenge—it strengthens our love for learning, builds literacy skills, and fosters a culture of curiosity and exploration, all of which are essential in our IB school. Through reading, we become knowledgeable thinkers, open-minded inquirers, and reflective learners—key attributes of the IB Learner Profile.

Thank you for making Read-A-Town a success! Keep turning the pages and growing as readers!

Upcoming Dates

2/7: 100th Day of School!

2/6: 5th Graders to Hamilton Shadow Day

2/7: All School Assembly – Students Only

2/10-13: Bradley Dines Out – Dough Counter

2/13: Cupid Shuffle 8am blacktop

2:13: Kids Heart Challenge (students only) 8:15am

2/13: PTO & CSC Meeting 3pm-5pm Library

2/14: No School: Professional Work Day

2/17: No School: President’s Day

2/18: DPS Round 1 School Choice ENDS

2/20: 3rd Grade Market Day

2/20: Family IB Math Night 5:00pm

2/27: Trimester 2 Awards Ceremony

3/1: PTO Skate City Event 6:30-8:30pm Fundraiser Fun!

3/7: No School: Professional Work Day

3/14: Pi Day! 

3/21: Spring/Class Lifetouch Picture Day

3/24-28: No School: Spring Break

Quick Links

Bradley School Year Calendar

Bradley Website

Bradley Student and Family Handbook

DPS Immigration Toolbox
Family Resource Toolkit: A Family Resource Toolkit is available in English and Spanish, and contains information and resources about rights, current DPS policies, training, mental health support, DPS resources, community resources and more. To request the toolkit in another language, email

School Safety Measures

As we continue to focus on safety measures within our school community, we kindly ask that you remain vigilant about our protocols of visitors in the school building. Please do not allow anyone into the school building as you exit and enter and encourage families to come to the front office to buzz in. This practice will help ensure the safety of all and assist our staff in knowing who is in the building at all times. Thank you for your cooperation!

DPS Summer Connections
Summer Academy is a free, four-week academic program that is open to all rising first through fifth-grade DPS students at eligible schools. This half-day program focuses on preparing elementary students for future success. There is a fee of $5 per day, or $85 for the entire program. Registration will open Monday, February 10-April 16.

Students will engage with content they will see in the upcoming school year, which will include instruction in foundational literacy, math, science and technology. Our enrichment partners will provide enrichment opportunities daily for participating schools. Students with IEPs are invited to participate in Summer Academy. Contact: Expanded Academic Learning, 720-423-3629,, Special Education, 720-423-2400,

Registration will open Monday, February 10 at noon and close Wednesday, April 16. Please ensure you have your Parent Portal account set up to be able to register. If you need support with Parent Portal please visit the My Portal Contact Us webpage. Submission of the application does not guarantee a seat.

Schedule & Locations:
Summer Academy runs from June 9 through July 3. No school on June 19 or June 20.

Bus transportation may be available but not guaranteed. Breakfast and lunch will be available at all Summer Academy locations.


Program locations include: 

All program locations hosted on elementary school campuses have central air conditioning.

Locations are subject to change due to building maintenance and construction. Families will be contacted immediately if their selected program is moved to another nearby location. If a bus route was assigned, changes will also be communicated.
DPS Round 1 School Choice is OPEN
Round 1 School Choice is open until February 18th. All ECE students will need to submit an application for next year. ECE 4 yr old families will submit the UPK application first and then the DPS School Choice application. Any 5th grade students who may want to attend a middle school that is not their neighborhood school, will need to submit a school choice application. Apply through your DPS Parent Portal or to the SchoolChoice Website.
News from the Nurse
It’s cold and flu season! We have seen an uptick of fever and respiratory sickness. Please make sure that your student is healthy prior to sending to school to help decrease the spread of illness. You can also use the General Health Practices below to decrease the spread of infection:


  • Hand Hygiene: Wash hands frequently with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
  • Cough/Sneeze Etiquette: Cover your nose and mouth with a tissue or your sleeve when coughing or sneezing. Dispose of tissues in the trash immediately.
  • Surface Cleaning: Regularly clean and disinfect high-touch areas such as doorknobs, mobile devices, countertops, and tables.
  • Avoid Close Contact: Refrain from close interactions, including kissing, sharing eating utensils, or shaking hands with individuals showing cold-like symptoms.
  • Flu Vaccination: Get your flu vaccine to help reduce the spread of illness.

By following these practices, we can help reduce the transmission of respiratory illnesses in our schools and protect the health of everyone in our community.


Additional Resources:

Clothes for Students
If you have gently used or new boys underwear in size S, M, and L would be amazing. Also, pants in the Small or Medium size – for Kinder, 1st and 2nd grade sizes. Thank you so much!

February IB Learner Profile
The Learner Profile for the month of February is Caring. When someone is caring, they develop empathy, compassion, and respect towards the needs and feelings of others. They have a personal commitment to service, and act to make a positive difference in the lives of others and to the environment. 

Activities for Parents

  • Role model the caring behavior you would like to see in your child.  Your child has big eyes and big ears and notices everything you do.  Using kind words, helping people without being asked, being an active listener, and showing your child that you care about people.  Even a simple thing, like holding the door for someone, shows your child that you are aware of others and want to help them.
  • Ask your child what they did at school to show someone that they cared. Help them to think of how they can show empathy, compassion and respect for their peers and teachers. 
  • After reading a book, spend some time considering how the characters in the book acted. Was someone caring?  All of the time or just some of the time? 


  • Read-A-Thon ends tonight!!! Make sure you record all your reading minutes by 9:00 P.M. tonight, Friday 1/31!! TONIGHT is the LAST night to log in your reading minutes, but you will have a 10 day window to still collect donations and shop your online prize store (found on your R.A.T. reader page). After that 10 day window closes, individual, classroom and school winners will be announced; and prizes will be shipped to the school. Once they arrive PTO will distribute prizes to the classrooms. If you have any questions about the Read-A-Thon please reach out to PTO.
  • Staff Appreciation Committee HELP– Our Staff Appreciation week is 5/5 – 5/9 this year and we have a wonderful committee that has just started the planning process! We are looking for more volunteers to help with planning, prepping, organizing, calling, shopping, decorating, etc…. There’s a job for everyone! If you’d like to be part of this process to make this a magical week for our staff please contact PTO. We appreciate any amount of your time that you can give!
  •  Mark your calendar because our next PTO meeting is 2/13, where we will be voting on spending funds! We have pooled all our community responses on ideas to spend funds this year, got some money estimates and now it’s time to VOTE! Fill out this online form – 
  • 100th Day of School, 100 Item Food Drive. For Bradley Backpack Program: Can you believe Feb. 7th is our 100th day of school??!!  Let’s celebrate by bringing in 100 food items for our second of the year, Backpack Program Food Drive! The food drive will be all week, Feb. 3-7. There will be tall boxes marked “Can Drive” at either ends of the first floor hallway by the office and the Kinder/ECE rooms. We kindly request any of the items listed below.  (Anything NOT on this list will likely not be able to be used as we try to give the same item and quantity to each family.)
    • Please help us out by donating any of the following items we are currently in need of:
  • whole wheat sliced sandwich bread
  • 12 oz. box of cereal: Cheerios, Bran Flakes, Life, Cracklin’ Oat Bran, ie., (please no highly sugared varieties)
  • Boxed individual portions of instant hot cereal 
  • 16-20 oz. peanut butter
  • 14 oz. tomato Sauce, diced tomatoes or tomato paste
  • flour tortillas
  • 14 or 28 oz. baked beans
  • 2-4 lb. bag of rice
  • Boxed Mac ‘n Cheese mix
  • 5-10 oz. can of tuna in water
  • 5-10 oz. canned chicken
  • 15 oz. canned vegetables
  • 15 oz. canned fruit
  • 48 oz. apple sauce

If you prefer making a financial donation, please scan the QR code below and your contribution will be used for our food purchases from the Food Bank of the Rockies. You may also follow this link: 

Thank you for your support and happy 100th day of school!!!

  • Coming soon! The next Bradley Dines Out is at Dough Counter on Colorado Blvd. ALL day from 2/10-2/13!
  • Join us at Skate City in Aurora on March 1 from 6:30-8:30 pm for a PRIVATE Bradley family skate night! Discounted skate tickets are available at this private event ($7 to skate, $5 skate rental)! Bradley gets money back IF we can get at least 50 people to come and skate.


    • Denver Parks & Recreation – Eisenhower Rec Center – See the January My Denver Youth Activities ScheduleHERE
  • Denver University – Summer Basketball Camps at DU. Camps run June 16-August 1. Sign up at their website: DU Basketball; See Flier
  • Discovery Link Summer Camp – This multi-subject camp can include but is not limited to Physical Education, Art, STEAM, Dance, Music and Chess. The daily schedule is set up with SEAL- rich experiences throughout the day to ensure all students are engaged and having fun! Dates: June 9 – Aug 1, 2025. Registration opens Tuesday, Jan. 22, 2025. For locations, more information, and how to register click here! Flier