Please find the Bradley Newsletter for this week HERE
Enjoy your weekend!
Grace Methodist Church Fall Events
Bradley Weekly Newsletter
It has been wonderful seeing our Bradley families this week for Fall Conferences and the Scholastic Book Fair. Our students are getting settled into their learning environments with daily rituals and routines. We are so proud of the progress they have already made in these past few months.
We kicked off our morning with an assembly to celebrate our successful Fun Run fundraiser that surpassed the fundraising goal. Thank you to the PTO and Mr. Hoffer for organizing a successful day to support our Bradley community. Congratulations to our Fun Run winners!
We hope you have a relaxing and fun Fall Break with your families!
Kimberly Ulery, Principal
Jose Fernando Hernandez, Assistant Principal
Staff Shout OutWe want to shout out our amazing kindergarten team for their passion and dedication to our young learners! Their creativity shines through in every corner of the classroom, making the learning environment not only welcoming and safe, but also a place where our students thrive in learning foundational literacy and math skills. Through playful and engaging lessons, the kindergarten team fosters both academic growth and emotional education. Our kindergartners are learning how to express their feelings, collaborate with peers, and demonstrate empathy – all key aspects of the IB Learner Profile. Thank you for nurturing both the minds and hearts of our youngest learners! Ms. Eggleston, Ms. Draper, Ms. Rosales, Ms. Kim, Ms. Wicks and Ms. Cayla |
Upcoming Dates
10/10: No School – Teacher Planning Day 10/11: No School – Fall Break 10/14: No School – Fall Break 10/17: Last Day of Session 1 After School Enrichment Classes 10/17: PTO Meeting 3pm Library 10/19: Bradley Garden Team Day 8-10am 10/28: Bradley Dines Out – Esters Virginia Village 10/28/-10/31: Spirit Week (Flier) 11/1: No School – Bradley First Friday 11/3: Daylight Savings ENDS Fall Back 11/5: Lifetouch Re-Take Day 11/8: End of 1st Trimester/Progress Reports in Parent Portal 11/21: Thanksgiving School Luncheon 11/25-29: Thanksgiving Break 11/28: Bradley Eisenhower Rec Center Turkey Trot 8:30am Quick Links |
No School
Remember, no school starting tomorrow October 10th through Monday, October 14th with students returning to school on Tuesday, October 15th – it’s Fall Break!
Tu Voz Survey
The DPS “Your Voice/Tu Voz” Family Survey is open now through Friday, Nov. 1. This survey focuses on measuring outcomes across the district and its learnings directly impact students and families.
Families can access the survey link here. Make an impact by taking the DPS Your Voice/Tu Voz family survey.
We’re excited to celebrate Halloween with our students on October 31! If your child would like to participate, they are welcome to bring a costume to change into at school to wear during the festivities. Please note, for safety reasons, we ask that costumes do not include weapons, facemasks, or face paint.
We will have a Halloween Parade that will take place on the blacktop starting at 1:30pm., featuring a fun “Thriller” dance performance by our students.
For students who do not celebrate Halloween, we will be offering an alternative activity in the library.
We look forward to a fun and festive day! Thank you for your support in making it a safe and enjoyable experience for everyone. Hamilton Dia de los Muertos
Elementary School Families we are inviting you to join in on the celebration planning for Dia De Los Muertos. We will have a meeting with students and families who are interested in volunteering for decorating, providing food, trunk or treat or submitting a Ofrenda for the evening event on October 30th. We will have 4 meetings, Monday October 7th @ 11:00 am and @ 4:30 pm. The second, October 9th @ 11:00 am and @ 4:30 pm. We look forward to seeing you. If you have questions, please contact F_Lanchipa-Mejia@dpsk12.net, google voice number 720-213-8169. Spanish: ¡Queridas familias y estudiantes de Hamilton!
Familias de las escuelas primarias, les extendemos una cálida invitación a unirse al comité para celebrar el Día de los Muertos. ¡Imaginen juntos un evento lleno de color, tradición y alegría!
Tendremos reuniones para que todos puedan compartir sus ideas y colaborar en:
¡Las reuniones serán los días Lunes 7 y Miércoles 9 de Octubre a las 11:00 am y 4:30 pm!
¡No se lo pierdan! Su participación es invaluable para hacer de esta celebración una experiencia inolvidable.
Para más información, contáctanos a:
¡Los esperamos con los brazos abiertos!
Please call the attendance line at 720-424-9398 to report your child’s absence or if they will be late to school for an appointment or any other reason. You can also submit an absence request through the Parent Portal, click here to see how.
PTO NEWS : PTO October Newsletter
*all numbers are based on pledges turned in by the due date of Oct. 4, 2024
October IB Learner Profile
The Learner Profile for the month of October is Inquirers! Inquirers develop their natural curiosity. They acquire the skills necessary to conduct inquiry and research and show independence in learning. They actively enjoy learning and this love of learning is sustained throughout their lives.
Activities for Parents