Bradley Weekly Newsletter
We have received the 2024 Bradley School Performance Framework rating and we are excited to share that we continue to be a “Green Performance Plan” school. The performance framework evaluates performance on Academic Achievement and Academic Growth. The percentage points earned across all indicators determines the final accreditation rating for our school. Bradley students continue to meet Academic Achievement on the Colorado Measures of Academic Success (CMAS). CMAS measures how well students meet grade-level expectations in the Colorado Academic Standards and whether they are on track for the next grade level. We also want to highlight our multilingual learners have met English Language Proficiency on ACCESS, which is the proficiency assessment for English language learners. Way to go Bradley students and staff!
Thank you,
Kimberly Ulery, Principal
Jose Fernando Hernandez, Assistant Principal
Melanie Schreiner, IB Coordinator
Staff Shout OutMelanie Schriener, our IB Coordinator, Senior Team Lead and Interventionist has been an integral part of supporting our staff and students in kicking off a positive start to the school year. Melanie is constantly learning new ways to make the Primary Years Programme (PYP) come alive at Bradley. Check out the bulletin boards by the main office and cafeteria to learn more about our IB Learner Profiles. Melanie Schreiner |
Upcoming Dates
9/9: PTO Fun Run Pep Rally 8:00am 9/9: Session 1 After School Enrichments Begin 9/10: Lifetouch Picture Day 9/12: PTO and CSC Meetings-Library 9/14: DPS Black Excellence Summit 9/16: School Assembly – Fiesta Colorado Dances of Mexico (Students only) 9/16: Dines Out – La Fogata (Quincy Location) 9/20: Fun Run (during Specials) 9/26: Literacy Night 5:00-6:30pm 9/27: No School – Teacher Planning Day 10/1: October Count Day (student attendance required) Quick Links |
Lifetouch Picture Day – September 10
Get ready for school individual picture day on Tuesday, September 10th! Order your pictures today on the MyLifetouch Order Form.
School Name: Bradley International School
Picture Day Date: Tuesday, September 10
Picture Day ID: EVT6VSHT
Gaga Pit
We are thrilled to announce the addition of our brand-new Gaga Pit! This exciting new feature was made possible thanks to the hard work and dedication of our magical teachers, Mr. Hoffer and Mr. Yaden, who put their skills to work in assembling it. The Gaga Pit promises to bring even more fun and physical activity to our school community, providing a fantastic way for students to engage in friendly competition and teamwork during recess. We can’t wait for everyone to enjoy it! |
Bradley Funding Reminder
The DPS Online Registration is required to be completed by all DPS families. We have a few families who have not completed their Online Registration. Please complete that by September 9th, please stop by the office to complete this.
Drop Off and Traffic Reminder
Remember, you can bring your student(s) to school starting at 7:25am. Kindergarten through 5th graders can be dropped off and head to the blacktop area. ECE students will need to be signed in at the south end of the school. Please continue to be considerate to our neighbors by not parking in front of their driveways. Also, u-turns are prohibited on the streets around the school for safety reasons. Thank you again for your cooperation and patience!
DPS Black Excellence Summit
DPS is excited to announce the 1st Black Excellence Summit, a groundbreaking event dedicated to celebrating and advancing Black Excellence within our community. This summit will be held on September 14, 2024, at the University of Denver, Education Building. This summit is an incredible opportunity for parents, educators, community members, and students to engage in professional development, learning opportunities, and meaningful discussions. Together, we will celebrate the impact of Black Excellence in DPS, advocate for its continued growth, and connect with various community partners through a resource fair. FLIER
September IB Learner Profile
Learner Profile for the month of September is Communicators! Communicators understand and express ideas and information confidently and creatively in more than one language and by a variety of modes of communication. They work effectively and willingly collaborate with others.
Activities for Parents
Bradley CSC focuses on bringing together staff, parents, and community members to create and implement a plan to promote high achievement within the school. Being a part of the CSC is an exciting opportunity to be involved in our school community, not to mention to participate in the education of all our students. We will be holding elections for three open parent positions on the CSC with nominations opening September 3rd. Please see here for details and stay tuned for a message on Tuesday, September 3 for more information. We hope you’ll consider serving. If you would like more information concerning the CSC, please contact Steph Itelman, CSC co-chair, at steph.itelman@gmail.com
PTO September Newsletter
Join US! The Bradley PTO will host our first PTO meeting of the year on September 12th at 3:00 p.m. in the school library. Childcare will be provided! Zoom is also available:
Meeting ID: 925 3095 1563
Spirit Wear Update – thank you for ordering! Your items will be ready mid to late September and will be delivered directly to your child.
FUN RUN is coming Sept. 20! Check your student’s Friday Folder for the info sheet and fundraising collection envelope! Our goal is to raise $38,000 this year and we need your help! This is a fun way to help support your student’s classroom (20% goes directly to the classroom) and the school. Want to know more about the Fun Run and what it is – click HERE for our PTO website.
Don’t forget your Rockies tickets! Enjoy a night out with your fellow Bradley community the weekend of 9/13- 9/15 to enjoy some baseball! Click on this link https://www.mlb.com/rockies/tickets/specials/school-fundraiser and find BRADLEY to purchase tickets and Bradley will get a portion back of sales!
Bradley’s first Dines Out is Monday, 9/16 from 4-9 pm at La Fogata – Quincy/DTC (8090 E Quincy Ave, Denver). By dining out at La Fogata (dine-in or take out orders), Bradley PTO will receive 20% back on sales! For more information on the Dines Out program, click here for the Bradley PTO website.
Don’t forget to join the Bradley Family Directory – Opt In Now! – even if you joined last year, you will need to join again for the 2024-25 school year.