Please review and fill out the documents and have your Pediatrician fill out the required documents as well as bring in immunizations.
If you need any health services, please know that DPS students have access to free School-based Health Centers located around Denver. The closest to Bradley is Thomas Jefferson Health Center. Call the clinic for appointments or questions: 720-423-7190
Linked below are the required Colorado State Licensing forms that must be completed by ALL ECE families upon enrollment regardless of the time of enrollment. Thus, these forms should be completed by families who enroll in August as well as for those who enroll later in the school year. PLEASE NOTE: After receiving the completed electronic forms from families, schools MUST print these documents and include them in the students’ files per State Licensing requirements (onsite licensing visits).
The forms include:
Child’s Statement of Health Status for Enrollment – Please emphasize to parents/guardians the importance of this form! It must be signed by a licensed physician or nurse practitioner, and it must include the date the next visit is required Advise families that per State Child Care Licensing, their district-required immunization form MUST BE on a Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment (CDPHE) form.
Parent/Guardian Information and Permissions – These forms must be updated annually for all students to include returning families. Expired forms will result in licensing violations. Copies of the Birth Certificate and District Registration packet must be in hard copy in ECE student files for the licensing inspectors.
Licensing Policies & Procedures A-Z – This is a condensed version of relevant licensing requirements for ECE programs for families to keep. These should not be in the student file.
Enrollment forms: These are the printable 2024-2025 Student Enrollment Forms: (NOTE: electronically fillable forms will be available soon)
Amharic | Arabic | English | French | Nepali | Somali | Spanish | Vietnamese | Mandarin
Updated Handbook: The 2024-2025 ECE Handbook is available. Please note that all changes to the handbook are listed on pages 4-5. It is best to access this document digitally as certain features will not print properly. We will also foresee making updates throughout the summer, so please plan on reading it in the fall.