Emergency Procedures
In a serious emergency, school administrators must decide to lock down, shelter-in-place or evacuate. Practice drills are conducted on a regular basis as required by Denver Public Schools.
In the Event of a School Emergency
We understand that every parents’ first reaction is to come immediately to the school site to make sure their child is safe. In order to increase the chances of all students remaining safe during an emergency, we ask the following of our parents (in the event of an emergency):
Lock DOWN Procedures
When a threat is inside or very close to the school.
School administration secures the building and safely shelters all students, staff and visitors INSIDE the school building. A school will go on lock down if a threat is in their building or their neighborhood and endangers the occupants of the school.
Lock Down Drills: Parents will receive an email notification that a Lock-Down Drill has taken place.
Lock Down: Parents will receive an email and/or phone communication from the school when feasibly possible at the end of a Lock-Down.
Lock OUT Procedures
Threat is definitely away from the school.
School administration secures the building and safely shelters all students, staff and visitors INSIDE the school building. A school will go on lock OUT if a threat is in their neighborhood and does not endanger the occupants of the school. NO person is allowed to enter or leave the building. For a Lock OUT, follow procedures for lock down except:
Shelter-In-Place Procedures for Severe Weather
Severe weather is any weather condition that may cause injury to students and staff or damage to structures. Different types of weather call for different type of actions. Schools will go into shelter-in-place if the threat of severe weather is in the area. Examples of severe weather are:
Site Administrator will monitor the National Weather Service announcements and will notify staff and students to move away from rooms on the perimeter and go to the designated Inside Safe Assembly Locations as necessary. Site Administrator will direct students and staff to take the protective kneeling position if indicated.
If it is unsafe for students, staff, and visitors to remain inside the building they will evacuate to designated evacuation locations on campus or off-site. The most common evacuation is a fire drill.