Please find the Bradley Newsletter for this week HERE
Have a safe Halloween! And a long weekend – remember no school tomorrow – Friday, November 1st!
Bradley Weekly Newsletter
As school leaders, one of the greatest joys of leadership is being part of such a vibrant and caring community. This week was a perfect example of our school community coming together! Our Halloween celebration brought warmth and connection to our school, as families, teachers, and staff came together to create an exciting and welcoming atmosphere. A special thank you to Mr. Hoffer and all the students who worked hard to perfect the “Thriller” dance – their energy and teamwork reflected our IB attributes of being balanced and open-minded, reminding us all of the value of creativity and collaboration. As we close the first trimester next week, report cards will be available in the Parent Portal on Friday, November 8. As a reminder, with the colder weather upon us, please remember to send coats with your students to stay warm during recess. Thank you for making our school feel like a true family!
Kimberly Ulery, Principal
Jose Fernando Hernandez, Assistant Principal
Staff Shout OutMs. Caroline, Ms. Leah, and Ms. Selay Our amazing Special Education team embodies our school’s vision of equity through their dedicated, individualized support for each student. By focusing on early intervention, they provide critical support at foundational stages, ensuring every student has the opportunity to succeed and thrive. Through differentiated instruction and targeted strategies, our SPED team works tirelessly to close academic gaps, honoring each student’s unique needs while fostering a love for learning. They are integral advocates, ensuring that every child receives the resources and encouragement they need to flourish alongside their peers. Their work aligns beautifully with the IB Learner Profile, as they guide our students to become knowledgeable, caring, and resilient individuals who understand the value of inclusivity and empathy. We’re incredibly grateful for their commitment to nurturing an equitable, inclusive environment where every student’s potential is celebrated. |
Upcoming Dates
11/1: No School – Bradley First Friday 11/3: Daylight Savings ENDS Fall Back 11/5: Lifetouch Re-Take Day 11/8: End of 1st Trimester/Progress Reports in Parent Portal/Awards Ceremony 11/9: DPS Family Cultural Fest 11/13: Bradley Dines Out – Taziki’s 12-8pm 11/14: PTO Meeting-Library 3pm 11/14: CSC Meeting-Library 4pm 11/21: Thanksgiving School Luncheon 11/25-29: Thanksgiving Break 11/28: Bradley Eisenhower Rec Center Turkey Trot 8:30am 12/6: No School – Bradley First Friday 12/12: Last Day of Session 2 After School Enrichment Classes 12/12: STEAM Day for Students 12/12: PTO Meeting-Library 3pm 12/12: CSC Meeting-Library 4pm 12/19: Kinder-2nd Grade Holiday Performance 3:00pm 12/23-1/3: NO School – Winter Break 1/6: NO School – Teacher Professional Learning Day 1/7: Student return to school Quick Links |
Remember-No School Tomorrow
Tomorrow, Friday, November 1st is a Bradley First Friday! There is no school tomorrow – have a great long weekend!
End of Daylight Savings
Remember to turn your clocks back an hour on Saturday night. It’s the end of Daylight Savings on November 3rd.
Thanksgiving School Luncheon
Bradley will be hosting a Thanksgiving Luncheon for students and families! Join us on Thursday, November 21 during your student’s lunch period for a wonderful Thanksgiving lunch, which will include roasted turkey, whipped potatoes with gravy, sage stuffing, fruit, dinner roll, sweet potato cake with cream cheese frosting, and milk. Bradley student’s lunch will be free.
November IB Learner Profile
The Learner Profile for the month of November is Open-Minded. Open-Minded people understand and appreciate their own cultures and personal histories, and are open to the perspectives, values, and traditions of other individuals and communities. They are accustomed to seeking and evaluating the range of points of view, and are willing to grow from
Activities for Parents
Lifetouch Retake Picture Day
Lifetouch will be here on November 5 for picture retakes. If you didn’t like the pictures taken in September or if you missed picture day in September, get ready, now’s the chance to have them taken or redone. You can fill out the picture form that is in Friday folders or you can shop online at mylifetouch.com using the picture code EVTT28HZD.
Tu Voz Survey
The DPS “Your Voice/Tu Voz” Family Survey is open now through Friday, Nov. 1. This survey focuses on measuring outcomes across the district and its learnings directly impact students and families. Families can access the survey link here. Make an impact by taking the DPS Your Voice/Tu Voz family survey.
DPS Family Cultural Festival
The Family Cultural Festival is a unique celebration that engages families and communities by promoting fun, learning, and meaningful connections. Taking place on Saturday, November 9, from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm, this event celebrates multicultural diversity and provides resources to foster wellness and socioemotional growth.
The Families will have the opportunity to learn about restorative practices and take part in a welcoming environment focused on family well-being. Together, we aim to strengthen relationships within the Denver Public Schools (DPS) community and celebrate the cultural diversity that makes our district vibrant.
DPS – Hamilton Health Clinic – Immunization Clinic
The Public Health Institute at Denver Health is hosting an immunization clinic at Hamilton on November 14. All childhood immunizations will be offered AT NO COST. This will give your child the chance to get caught up with immunizations and be compliant with the state law. If you are interested in this opportunity, please sign the consent linked HERE for English and HERE for Spanish by October 31.Attendance
Please call the attendance line at 720-424-9398 to report your child’s absence or if they will be late to school for an appointment or any other reason. You can also submit an absence request through the Parent Portal, click here to see how.
PTO NEWS : PTO October Newsletter