We would like to invite you to eat with your child for our Thanksgiving Lunch!
It will be held on Thursday, November 21st during students’ lunch hour. Due to the number of people attending and to ensure that we have enough food, RESERVATIONS ARE REQUIRED and will not be accepted after November 7th.
The cost of the lunch is: $7.00 for adults and $6.00 for non-Bradley students. Bradley students will not pay for this luncheon.
MENU: Roasted Turkey, Whipped Potatoes with Gravy, Sage Stuffing, Fruit, Dinner Roll, Sweet Potato Cake with Cream Cheese Frosting, and Milk.
ECE – 10:15am
Kindergarten – 11:10am
1st Grade – 10:50am
2nd Grade – 11:30am
3rd Grade – 12:20pm
4th Grade – 11:55am
5th Grade – 12:45pm
AN – Join Grade Level
Please complete and return the below portion and CASH ONLY to the main office by NOVEMBER 7th.