No School on Monday, September 2 – Labor Day!
Bradley Weekly Newsletter
We had a great week engaging in curriculum and getting settled into rituals and routines. As an International Baccalaureate (IB) school students will learn about a different IB attitude each month. We will honor students who show these during our trimester awards ceremonies. Our Learner Profile for the month of September is Communicators! Communicators understand and express ideas and information confidently and creatively in more than one language and by a variety of modes of communication. They work effectively and willingly collaborate with others.
Activities for Parents
Thank you,
Kimberly Ulery, Principal
Jose Fernando Hernandez, Assistant Principal
Melanie Schreiner, IB Coordinator
Staff Shout Out
Our mental health team plays an integral role in fostering the well-being of the Bradley community. We are delighted to welcome Ms. Payton, our full-time social worker, along with Ms. Valerie and Ms. Megan, our School Psychologists, to the team. They have seamlessly integrated into our school environment, offering support to students and staff alike. Their approach is grounded in empathy, positive reinforcement, and a commitment to finding solutions, which reflects our shared vision at Bradley. This approach aligns with our dedication to creating a welcoming environment that nurtures and reinforces the IB attitudes, particularly those of caring, cooperation, and integrity. |
Upcoming Dates
9/2: No School – Labor Day 9/4 – Sign up for After School Enrichment ENDS 9/6: UHIlls Movie Night 9/9: Session 1 After School Enrichments Begin 9/10: Picture Day 9/12:PTO and CSC Meetings-Library 9/16: School Assembly – Fiesta Colorado Dances of Mexico 9/16: Dines Out – La Fogata (Quincy Location) 9/20: Fun Run (during Specials) 9/26: Literacy Night 5:00-6:30pm 9/27: No School – Teacher Planning Day Quick Links |
We are excited to offer a variety of after-school enrichment programs throughout the school year! Session 1 enrichments are the week of September 9th through the week of October 14th. Students will go directly to their enrichment class at the 2:40pm dismissal bell. Please be prompt for pick up at the main entrance doors by 4:00 pm. Sign out is required for ALL enrichment classes. Please send a snack for your child. Registration CLOSES on Wednesday, September 4 at 3pm.
You may have noticed our gaga pit has been taken down on the playground. We have a brand new gaga pit coming thanks to our generous PTO. Our students enjoy playing gaga ball at recess and are excited for our updated version to be installed. Thanks to Mr. Hoffer, Ms. Fowler and Mr. Yaden for getting it installed and ready for our students once it arrives.
If you have any shorts for girls and boys that are smaller sizes (3T, 4T, 5T, 6-7) we could use them for our Bradley closet. Students sometimes need a change of clothes throughout the day. Let me know if you have any to donate! Shayla_Marak@dpsk12.net
School Hours: 7:40am – 2:40pm Tardy bell is 7:40am.
Main entrance doors will open at 7:25am. Teachers line students up starting at 7:35am. Please consider dropping students off around 7:30 to make sure students are on time.
ECE families: Doors will close at 7:45am.
Please consider being at school by 7:30am to leave ample time to sign your student into class. All ECE students should be dropped off at the south end of the building, not the front doors unless you are dropping off students after 7:45am.
Kindergarten families: Doors will close at 7:40am.
Please consider being at school by 7:30am to leave ample time to sign your student into class. All kindergarten students should be dropped off at the south end of the building, not the front doors unless you are dropping off students after 7:45am.
Pick up and Dismissal
Student safety is our top priority. Please be respectful of the pedestrian crossing rules as well as our neighbors. We know parking is limited and we appreciate your patience. Please do not move trash/recycle bins, park in the bus lane or block any driveways. We ask that you drive cautiously and slowly on Elm Street and around the school for everyone’s safety. Please help Bradley International to be a good neighbor and keep our community safe!
The front of the building on Elm Street is dedicated as a Kiss and Go lane. If you choose to drop off your student at this entrance, please pull up as far as you can behind the bus lane, stay in your car and have your student get out as safely and quickly as possible. This is a dedicated space for a quick drop off and not a space to park cars.
If you are interested in before or after school care from Discovery Link for Kindergarten-5th grade students, please see the how to register link here: Discovery Link. The morning program is an Enrichment Program which runs from 6:30-7:25am. The after school program runs from 2:40-6:00pm.
UHNA Annual Movie Under the StarsFREE! Everyone is welcome! The University Hills Neighborhood Association invites you, your friends, and the whole family to enjoy Kung Fu Panda 4, food trucks, and live music. Bring your picnic blanket and camping chairs. Sorry, no pets and no glass. Event begins at 5 PM, the movie starts at sundown. See you at Bradley’s playgrounds and sports field on Friday, September 6! |
Bradley CSC focuses on bringing together staff, parents, and community members to create and implement a plan to promote high achievement within the school. Being a part of the CSC is an exciting opportunity to be involved in our school community, not to mention to participate in the education of all our students. We will be holding elections for three open parent positions on the CSC with nominations opening September 3rd. Please see here for details and stay tuned for a message on Tuesday, September 3 for more information. We hope you’ll consider serving. If you would like more information concerning the CSC, please contact Steph Itelman, CSC co-chair, at steph.itelman@gmail.com
Bradley Backpack Program: We will be having a canned food drive the week of Sept. 3-6. There will be tall boxes marked “Can Drive” at either ends of the first floor hallway by the office and Kinder/ECE rooms. Please see Friday Folders for the flier of desired food items to donate. Or you can make a monetary donation directly to the Backpack Program HERE
Don’t forget your Rockies tickets! Enjoy a night out with your fellow Bradley community the weekend of 9/13- 9/15 to enjoy some baseball! Click on this link https://www.mlb.com/rockies/tickets/specials/school-fundraiser and find BRADLEY to purchase tickets and Bradley will get a portion back of sales!
Mark your calendar! Our FIRST PTO meeting of the school year will be on September 12th at 3:00 p.m. in the school library. Childcare will be provided! If you can’t make it in person the Zoom link is below. If the time of the meeting is an issue, we will also post meeting minutes and the ZOOM video to our Bradley PTO website – Bradleypto.com
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 925 3095 1563
Passcode: Eagle
Spirit Wear sale is LIVE today through Sunday 9/2! Items will be ready mid to late September and will be delivered directly to your child. Check out the new items and be ready for purple Fridays! https://stores.inksoft.com/bra245
FUN RUN is coming Sept 20! We need volunteers to help both in the coming weeks, and the day of! Watch for a SignUp Genius that will be shared soon. Volunteers help to sort our giveaway items, put labels onto fund collection envelopes, prep the balloon arch the day before, or help the day of, by cheering on students and counting their laps on their lap cards, handing out water or snacks, and much more! Want to know more about the Fun Run and what it is – check it out HERE on our PTO website.
King Soopers Community Rewards Program – FREE Money for Bradley!!! Takes less than a minute to sign up – link your Sooper card to Bradley International School. Here’s how it works:
Need labels? Check out Mabels Labels! For every purchase made, Bradley gets 20% back! Order yours today at make labeling fun!https://mabelslabels.ca/fundraising/support
Bradley Family Directory – Opt In Now! – the PTO is partnering with Directory Spot, an app and website directory where you can easily find contact information for other school families