Each school in Denver Public Schools has a Collaborative School Committee (CSC) that includes family members, teachers, and community members. CSC members collaborate to provide input to school leadership that promotes high achievement within the school. The CSC provides recommendations regarding the school calendar, priorities for spending money, and the plan the school creates to ensure academic progress and a high-quality school environment (the UIP). If you are interested in learning more about Bradley’s CSC and planning for the 2023-24 school year, including ensuring membership is representative of our school community, please send an email to BRADLEYibcsc@gmail.com in your preferred language by Friday, September 1, 2023. See CSC FLIER
First Meeting will be on August 28, 2023 via Zoom at 6:30pm. The Zoom link will be made available by emailing Emily Walker at emilyholben@gmail.com.
More Information: CSC