Newsletter 2.21.25

Posted 02/22/2025

Please find the Bradley Newsletter for 2.21.25  HERE

Have a great warmer weekend!

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Bradley Weekly Newsletter

Principal Update 

We hope this newsletter finds you well and in good spirits! What an exciting week we had with Math Night and 3rd Grade Market Day!  Math Night was a wonderful success. Thank you to all who came to enjoy the amazing activities our teachers put together. It was fantastic to see so many families engaged in learning together.  Our 3rd grade students showcased their IB culminating project from their Global Connections unit, utilizing the IB attribute of creativity. Their presentations were impressive, highlighting their hard work and innovative thinking.  With warmer weather on the horizon, we are looking forward to giving our students the opportunity to enjoy fresh air and playtime outside again during outdoor recess.  Have a great weekend!


Kimberly Ulery, Principal 

Jose Fernando Hernandez, Assistant Principal  

Staff Shout Out

A huge thank you to our teachers, volunteers, and families who made the 3rd Grade Market Day  experience engaging, fun, and educational for our students.  Great job Ms. Norman, Ms. Harrison, Ms. Nicola and most of all, our 3rd grade students!

A special shout out to Heather Nicola and Heather Sanchez for their incredible work in making Math Night a success! Their dedication embodies the IB attributes of being knowledgeable, caring, and reflective, ensuring that learning is engaging and meaningful for all.  Shout out to our teachers for creating fund and engaging activities and our staff who volunteered to support during the evening events.  

We want to shout out our wonderful PTO for organizing the READ-A-Thon and our families and students for raising money to support our amazing community.  We are excited to celebrate this success with our students in the next few weeks to come.  

Upcoming Dates

2/27: Trimester 2 Awards Ceremony 

3/1: PTO Skate City Event 6:30-8:30pm Fundraiser Fun!

3/7: No School: Professional Work Day

3/14: Pi Day! 

3/14: All School Assembly: Persian-Iranian Dance (students only)

3/21: Spring/Class Lifetouch Picture Day

3/24-28: No School: Spring Break

3/31: No School: Cesar Chavez Day

4/2: CMAS Testing Begins

4/7: 1st Grade to Denver Aquarium

4/11: All School Assembly: Belly Dancing (students only)

4/18: No School – Professional Learning Day

4/23: Kindergarten STEM Event 8-10:30am

5/28: Bradley Field Day

5/29: Bradley Rain Date Field Day 

Quick Links

Bradley School Year Calendar

Bradley Website

Bradley Student and Family Handbook

Kids Heart Challenge
We challenge you to complete the seven important steps of Finn’s Mission on our Kids Heart Challenge page to become a lifesaver– follow the link here:  

When you complete and earn your lifesaver cape, be sure to wear it proudly .  So far we have raised $2,883.49 of our $23,000.00 goal!  41 students have joined our team online and 6 families have already completed Finn’s Mission and learned to be a lifesaver to help our community! 

Every student who raises $50 will qualify to purchase discounted tickets and get a special ON COURT experience with the Denver Nuggets! The class with the most students registered gets an EXTRA PE CLASS! Every student who raises $75 will get to SLIME Mr. Hoffer and every student who raises $150 gets to SLIME Mrs. Ulery!! Congratulations to the following students who have already earned our school’s challenge: Nathaniel S , Natalie R , London H , Asher P , Ari P , Max G Keep up the great work Bradley International School Lifesavers! Meet Finn!  A National ambassador for the American Heart Association. Finn was born with a rare congenital heart defect (CHD). Hearts need four chambers to function properly, and Finn was born with a heart with zero. He has been through 18 surgeries to fix his heart and suffered one stroke in his 10 years of life. With all thanks to schools like yours and families like you, the proper research was funded to repair Finn’s heart, and the proper advocacy was done to spot the signs of a stroke.

Bradley Staffing Update

Dear School Community and Alumni Families,

After 37 years in education, including 27 incredible years at this school, I am writing to share that I will be retiring at the end of this school year. It has truly been an honor to be part of so many students’ and families’ lives. From the classroom to the hallways, I have been fortunate to witness countless moments of growth, learning and joy, and I will forever cherish the connections, relationships and memories that I’ve made with the families and the entire school community. 

To all the families, past and present, thank you for entrusting me with the privilege and honor of teaching your child/children. I always said, “I love siblings!” I will forever cherish the moments we shared and the impact we’ve made together. Though I may be retiring from teaching, I will always carry a piece of this school, the community and its wonderful people with me.

With much gratitude,

Ms. Lisa, ECE 

Ms. Lisa, we appreciate you and all you have done for the Bradley community!  We will cherish these last few months together and celebrate your success as an educator!  

DPS Summer Options
Summer programs are offered to DPS students when school is not in session during summer break. By offering both enrichments and academic content, these programs provide students with a safe and supportive environment for hands-on learning, exploring new skills and making new friends during the summer months. The following summer programs and resources are available through DPS and our community partners.
News from the Nurse
It’s cold and flu season! We have seen an uptick of fever and respiratory sickness. Please make sure that your student is healthy prior to sending to school to help decrease the spread of illness. You can also use the General Health Practices below to decrease the spread of infection:

  • Hand Hygiene: Wash hands frequently with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
  • Cough/Sneeze Etiquette: Cover your nose and mouth with a tissue or your sleeve when coughing or sneezing. Dispose of tissues in the trash immediately.
  • Surface Cleaning: Regularly clean and disinfect high-touch areas such as doorknobs, mobile devices, countertops, and tables.
  • Avoid Close Contact: Refrain from close interactions, including kissing, sharing eating utensils, or shaking hands with individuals showing cold-like symptoms.
  • Flu Vaccination: Get your flu vaccine to help reduce the spread of illness.

By following these practices, we can help reduce the transmission of respiratory illnesses in our schools and protect the health of everyone in our community.


February IB Learner Profile
The Learner Profile for the month of February is Caring. When someone is caring, they develop empathy, compassion, and respect towards the needs and feelings of others. They have a personal commitment to service, and act to make a positive difference in the lives of others and to the environment. 

Activities for Parents

  • Role model the caring behavior you would like to see in your child.  Your child has big eyes and big ears and notices everything you do.  Using kind words, helping people without being asked, being an active listener, and showing your child that you care about people.  Even a simple thing, like holding the door for someone, shows your child that you are aware of others and want to help them.
  • Ask your child what they did at school to show someone that they cared. Help them to think of how they can show empathy, compassion and respect for their peers and teachers. 
  • After reading a book, spend some time considering how the characters in the book acted. Was someone caring?  All of the time or just some of the time? 


  • Thank YOU Bradley families! The Read-a-Thon raised over $34,330 so far – the school will get over $25,750 that will go back to help with school improvements, plus every classroom teacher will receive 50% of the funds they collected in their individual classrooms! PLUS our top prizes for the school go to…
    • Top fundraising class in the school (wins ultimate recess at Eisenhower Park AND a classroom party funded by Raising Cane’s restaurant, date TBD) = Kapner!
    • Top reading minutes class in the school (wins a pizza party with dessert, date TBD) = Ms. Nicola with 30,510 reading minutes! 
    • Top reading minutes class for each grade (wins a pizza party, date TBD) = ECE-3 – Ms. Rubin (7,929 minutes); ECE-4 – Ms. Zinn (13,958 minutes); Kindergarten – Mrs. Rosales (10,864 minutes); 1st – Ms. Dougherty (23,736 minutes); 2nd – Ms. Kapner (29,506 minutes); 3rd – Ms. Nicola (30,510 minutes); 4th – Mrs. Collins (16,901); 5th – Mrs. Gordon (16,557); Discovery Link with 12,093 minutes!
    • Top fundraising student (wins a Raising Cane’s ultimate gift basket) = student in Mrs. Collins class! Plus the top 3 students with the most fundraising dollars in the school (wins $20 bookstore gift cards) – Second runner up is a student in Ms. Kapner’s class and 3rd place goes to a student in Mrs. Shepherd’s class.
    • Top 3 students with the most reading minutes (each wins a $20 bookstore giftcard) = students in Mrs. Collins’ class (with 3,765 minutes) and two in Ms. Nicola’s class (3,480 and 3,310 minutes)!
    • Plus students with the most reader minutes in each class win lunch with their teacher!
  • Don’t forget to support Bradley by joining us at our private family skate night at Skate City in Aurora on March 1 from 6:30-8:30 pm! Bradley gets fundraising dollars if we can get at least 50 people to join us and skate!
  • Martial Arts – Have you ever thought about trying out a martial arts class? In your child’s Friday Folder, you will find a flyer to support a small, local business and try out a complimentary martial arts class. If you commit to membership, the owner will donate 100% of your first month’s tuition back to Bradley! This is for BOTH children and adults classes. Check out Tran’s Martial Arts and Fitness Center.
  • Staff Appreciation Committee HELP– Our Staff Appreciation week is 5/5 – 5/9 this year and we have a wonderful committee that has just started the planning process! We are looking for more volunteers to help with planning, prepping, organizing, calling, shopping, decorating, etc…. There’s a job for everyone! If you’d like to be part of this process to make this a magical week for our staff please contact PTO. We appreciate any amount of your time that you can give!


  • Denver Parks & Recreation – Eisenhower Rec Center – See the January My Denver Youth Activities ScheduleHERE