Breakfast & Lunch Menu

Find the online menus at (you can view as a Guest):

Menus in English: March 2025 Lunch Menu

Menus in many languages, please scroll to the bottom of this page:

DPS School Lunch 2024-25: A complete Breakfast and Lunch will be offered free of charge to students during the 2023-2024 school year. Second entrees and any a la carte items may be purchased with cash or using a student’s MySchoolBucks account.  Adult meals are available for $3.00 for breakfast and $5.00 for lunch.

All DPS families are encouraged to complete a You Benefit! form to receive other benefits, including fee waivers, P-EBT, and to maximize funding for the district and for additional funding for your child’s school.

All DPS families need to complete the Free and Reduced Lunch Application. Even if you know you don’t qualify.  This ensures funding so Bradley can offer free breakfasts and again free lunch this year to ALL our students. Find the application:

Find the online menus at (you can view as a Guest):

Free Breakfast and Lunch for DPS students


My School Bucks (pay for meals):

Family members who are legal guardians can access MySchoolBucks through the Parent Portal. Benefits of accessing MySchoolBucks through the portal include:

  • You have a one-stop-shop for all your student’s needs.
  • You can link your Parent Portal and MySchoolBucks accounts.
  • You can sign in with a single username and password.

Follow these steps to log in to MySchoolBucks through your Parent Portal account:

  1. Log in to your Parent Portal account.
  2. You may click on “See All Apps,” “District,” or “School.” All of the options are located at the top of the page.
    • If you click on “See All Apps,” you may click on the blue text titled “MySchoolBucks.”
    • If you click on “District,” you may click on either the “Add Lunch Money” task or on “MySchoolBucks” under Related Apps.
    • If you click on “School,” you may click on “Pay for Student Meals & Fees Online” or on “MySchoolBucks” under Related Apps.
  3. When the Denver Public Schools screen appears, enter your Parent Portal username and password. MySchoolBucks will then ask you if you are a New or Existing user.
  4. Click the “Existing MySchoolBucks User” button to link your Parent Portal account to your existing MySchoolBucks account. You will be prompted to enter your existing MySchoolBucks username and password.
  5. If you don’t have an existing MySchoolBucks account, click the “New MySchoolBucks User” button and follow the prompts to set up a new account.

Note: After linking accounts or setting up a new MySchoolBucks account, always use your parent portal user name and password to log-in to MySchoolBucks. When logging in through, enter your username and choose “Denver Public Schools” as the login provider. You will then be redirected to a DPS login page where you can enter your parent portal credentials. 

If you don’t have a Parent Portal account, create one by following these steps:

  1. Go to
  2. Click on “Create Account.”
  3. Fill out the form and follow the prompts to complete the Account Creation process.
    • If the information on the form does not match our student data system (Infinite Campus), you will receive an error. Click the “Contact Me” link in the error message and a representative from the Parent Portal team will contact you to assist in completing the process.