Thursday, March 20, 2025 – From Dr. Marrero

Posted 03/19/2025

Operational Plan for March 20, 2025
Dear DPS families and staff,
As you may already know, Thursday, March 20, the Colorado Education Association
is hosting No More Education Cuts statewide Day of Action. While we support fully
funded education, we wish their action didn’t have a direct impact on students’
Our goal is to do everything that we can do to keep our schools open so that our
students do not lose a day of important instruction due to this event. In addition to
the educational instruction that students will be missing out on, many of our
students count on their schools for social-emotional support, mental health
resources, and the only two meals that they will have to eat that day.
We have been monitoring our staff’s requests for absence on March 20 to see
which schools would require operational closures and which schools could remain
open with additional staff provided centrally. To keep some schools open, DPS will
utilize guest teachers and qualified staff from the Central Office in those schools.
Here are the schools that will remain open on Thursday, March 20. Your
school leader will send an additional email with any classroom-specific
impacts for their school. This will be a non-student contact day for staff members
whose school is not listed. Please report to your school as usual. It will be a work
day for all district staff. Those absent must use available leave.
Breakfast and lunch will be available at all school sites at regularly scheduled times.
Every school will be open on Friday, March 21, as previously planned.
In collaboration,
Dr. Alex Marrero